10th International Exhibition
Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts,
Providence, RI
Thank you Karen Haas, Lane Senior Curator of Photographs at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, from including me into another special exhibition. Exhibition will be up from March 21st to April 12th. On view is Enraigado (Rooted).
5th Annual Juried Member Exhibition
Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts,
Providence, RI
Thank you to curator Jessica Burko for curating two pieces of mine from my Tu Que Bivas portfolio. Burko herself is a practicing artist, the Creative Director at the Photographic Resource Center in Cambridge, MA, and an active independent curator.
Tzedakah (Charity) and Tefillim (Prayer) will be on the walls from January 18 - February 9th.
Tu Que Bivas Pop-up Exhibition,
Hanukkah Celebration
at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A wonderful event of 2,300 visitors to celebrate an evening of music, art and activities! Thank you to musician Ira Klein for inviting me to collaborate in an intimate space with him and Beth Bahia Cohen. Our Sephardic inspired gallery space was filled with 12 archival pigment prints from my Tu Que Bivas portfolio, while Ira on the guitar and Beth Bahia on the violin and yayli tanbur played three sets of inspiring Middle Eastern and North African Jewish music.
Special thanks to the MFA public program coordinators and the incredible curators, Emily Belz and Olivia Baldwin, for your assistance in the set up of the photographs. A fabulous audio guide to this event was made possible with the help of Emma Stewart, the 2023-2024 Louise Weinberg intern at he Brandeis University, Women’s Studies Research Center.
Image is linked to activities of the evening at the MFA.
What Will You Remember ?
Thank you Suzanne Révy and Elin Spring of for promoting my upcoming exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston.
Image is linked to December 2023 article and worth bookmarking the website in your search engine if you enjoy looking for photography exhibits in the New England area!
Kitchen Shelf, 2019
Danforth Art Museum Acquisition
The Danforth Art Museum has decided to acquire my Kitchen Shelf, 2019, for their permanent collection. Special things do happen after you apply to calls for entry to shows!
Cyanotype Journal Making Workshop
Bolton Public Library, Bolton, MA
Cyanotypes isn’t just a summer activity! I took my light boxes to the the Bolton Public Library in mid-November for a three hour cyanotype journal making workshop. I spent a cloudy yet lovely day with fourteen participants being creative!! Reach out if you are interested in learning more about my workshops!
There Are No Strangers Exhibition
at Hera Gallery, Wakefield, RI
Thank you to curators, Barbara Pough & John Kotula, for featuring three pieces from my current Tu Que Bivas portfolio for your Hera Gallery invitational small group exhibition that discusses immigration, culture and art. On the walls from July 29 - September 2, 2023 with special events and programming.
The title There Are No Strangers was inspired by an essay by Thomas Merton that says in part, “In Louisville, at the corner of Fourth and Walnut, in the center of the shopping district, I was suddenly overwhelmed with the realization that I loved all those people, that they were mine and I theirs, that we could not be alien to one another even though we were total strangers... There are no strangers.” With this exhibition Hera Gallery acknowledges that, except those of us who are Native People, all of us are immigrants and that this nation was built by immigrants. The artists asked to present their work were born in other countries, mainly in Latin America and Africa. For a variety of reasons, they have left their original homes and now live and work in the United States. Most are fairly recent arrivals. Hera Gallery extends to them a warm welcome and great excitement at the talent they have added to our culture.
Exhibiting Artists: Anthony Abu, Nenée Angulo, Joseph Mushipi, Zuly Palomino, Julio Berroa, Agustina Markez, Becky Behar, Astrid Reischwitz, Mari Claudia Garcia, Edward Vasquez and Fritz Eichenberg
Image is linked to Hera Gallery’s “There Are No Strangers” Exhibition
Cyanotype Journal Making Workshop
Concord Public Library, Concord, MA
Wonderful weekend afternoon creating cyanotypes and transforming them into journals with over 15 young adults at the Concord Public Library. Someone really loves animals!! I love sharing cyanotype history and techniques and teaching one day workshops!!
Cyanotype Journal Making Workshop
Reuben Hoar Library, Littleton, MA
The summer is always a great time to gather and make cyanotypes! I arrive with pre-coated papers and supplies to share the process and inspire all ages to get creative.
Danforth Annual Juried Exhibition 2023
Many thanks to the three jurors: Erin Becker, Executive Director of the Cambridge Art Association, Rachel Passannante, Collections Curator of the Danforth Art Museum, and Leslie Starobin, Professor of Art at Framingham State University for selecting two of my photographs for the annual juried exhibition. My Kitchen Shelf image received Honorable Mention!! The exhibit is on view from June 24th to September 17, 2023. There will also be an in-person artist talk on Sunday, August 13 from 3:00 - 5:00 pm.
Did you know….The Danforth Art Museum also has an incredible app with informational material along audio and/or video provided by some of the participating artists. If you download it enter image #’s 53 and 54 to hear me describe my two pieces currently on view.
Atelier 37 Exhibit
Griffin Museum of Photography
The Atelier is a portfolio building class given by the Griffin Museum of Photography. I took my first Atelier in the Fall of 2018. A lot has changed since then!! The course is now offered as a nine month program instead of 3 months. The talented, Emily Belz, was once again my teacher and I had the fortunate opportunity to consistently prints and ideas for my ongoing Tu Que Bivas portfolio to a wonderful set of peers. I am excited to begin exhibiting this series that discuss traditions.
Image is linked to Atelier website.
What Will You Remember ?
Suzanne Révy and Elin Spring in their online have featured me once again. Their mission “is dedicated to presenting engaging contemporary photography views, reviews and interviews. We want to share our excitement about the great photography we discover in clear, conversational language. While we aim to write analytical reviews, we choose not to write derogatory articles. Rather, we prefer to function as a filter, presenting pieces on those exhibits and people we think merit the time and attention of our readers.”
They always have beautiful words to describe the photography they see in the Boston area and beyond! Most recently, they included me in January and February’s top pick of the month. “In her signature, luminescent still lifes and portraits of her children’s transition to adulthood, Becky Behar’s solo show Interlaced draws connections between narratives of personal and generational identity, past and present, dreams and realities – all bathed in symbols of the home.”
Thank you!
Image is linked to February 2022 article and worth bookmarking the website in your search engine!
Artist Becky Behar gives talk for photo exhibition, 'Interlaced'
Excited that The Justice, Brandeis University’s student newspaper featured my Interlaced solo exhibition and artist talk at the Kniznick Gallery, Women’s Studies Research Center of Brandeis University. Thank you for including me!
Image is linked to the full article.
Becky Behar - Interlaced
January 30 - February 22, 2023
So excited to be exhibiting multiple portfolios including my Delftware inspired tiles for the Women’s Studies Research Center at Kniznick Gallery, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA. Exhibiting close to home gives me the opportunity to be available for artist talks, guided tours and private showings.
Olivia Baldwin, WSRC’s incredible curator, chose the images and wrote a wonderful statement. “Becky Behar’s richly choreographed portraits and still lifes investigate motherhood, the passage of time, and what we carry through generations. Behar began photographing her three children as they became adults. The compositions reflect embellished autobiographical and fictional narratives about their transition to adulthood and Behar’s shifting identity. With incandescent subject matter emerging from rich shadows, the photographs evoke Dutch oil paintings, replete with symbols of transience, family, and faith. Behar punctuates the portraits with still lifes that mark the contemporary, rendering plastic bags luminous amongst cherries and figs. Here, home is an idea, not a place.”
Image is linked to exhibit with registration links to free talks and tours.
Boston Globe Article, In ‘Winter Solstice’ at the
Griffin, it’s Most E
verything Under the Sun
So honored that Mark Feeney included my Call & Response exhibit at the Griffin in The Boston Globe, December 13, 2022.
“Behar’s use of light is highly dramatic, and effectively so, with foregrounds almost seeming to leap out of velvet-black backgrounds. The most striking example shows a bathtub. The tub is empty, but the impact of its pearly whiteness might generate metaphors for any number of things. Here’s a different kind of dialogue from that with Griffin. It’s the kind of larger, ongoing dialogue that photography does best: between what was there in front of the camera then and what a viewer brings to it now.”
Image is linked to the full article which features fabulous photographs exhibited att he Griffin Museum of Photography in Winchester, MA
What Will You Remember? Critical Eye
Thank you once again Elin Spring and Suzanne Revy for including my images at the Griffin Museum of Photography. Elin describes my exhibit, “The legacy of Arthur Griffin is alive and well in a series of small gems made by Becky Behar in the Founders Gallery. Organized as a “call and response,” Behar selected several of Griffin’s photographs to pair with work from her ongoing series The 50th Hour. Behar’s staged photographs revel in motherhood and connection. In conversation with Griffin’s documentary pictures, they bring fresh meaning into the work of both photographers.
(Image linked to article)
Click here to see images from the exhibit at the Griffin.
Seeing You, Seeing Me Exhibition
So excited to be showing my portfolio in a gem of a space for the month of June. I have added Delftware inspired tiles to create an ambience and promote visual literacy! The Concord Library has been such a pleasure to work with. Later this month, please look out for an Art in Bloom event with four local florists creating floral arrangements inspired by my portraits. During this residency, I will also be teaching two cyanotype journal making workshops for teenagers.
Tener Un Bulto en el Corazon, 2021 Archivo Pigment Print
8th International Call: Contemporary Photography
Thank you Jesica Roscio, Director and Curator of Danforth Art Museum, for selecting my 15” x 42” diptych, “Tener Un Bulto en el Corazon” (Have a Weight in the Heart/Feel Uneasy) to hang at Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts in Providence and for awarding me with Honourable Mention. Beautiful exhibit and thoughtfully hung by David DeMelim.
Photolucida 2022
What a treat to spend 5 days in Portland, Oregon presenting my Seeing You, Seeing Me and Homespun Portfolios to 20 reviewers. Staying safe and masked while I show the cyanotype ceramic tile that I have been experimenting with to create an ambience in a gallery space and to promote visual literacy for an upcoming exhibit. Thank you Ann Jastrab, Executive Director at the Center for Photographicphic Art for holding the tile and taking the picture during our 25 minute review. Learned so much from all of my reviewers.
Connecting Threads
Curated by Astrid Reischwitz, this “exhibition explores connections we make throughout our lives, the threads we spin and the bonds we create, starting in the nuclei of our families. Joetta Maue’s embroidered fabrics and Becky Behar’s photographs use the element of stitching to construct a visual story of their lives. Their work acts as a document of lives lived and relationships felt.” Exhibition is from March 14 - May 11 at Bedford Free Public Library in Bedford, MA.
Stitches in Time Review by Michael Rose
Michael Rose reviewed for GoLocal Providence, Stitches in Time, the exhibition that is up at Rhode Island Center for Photography. Curated by Emily Belz, I am honored to be showing my work amongst super talented artists. Michael wrote the following about my work:
“On view across the rounded wall of one distinct gallery space at RICPA, Becky Behar’s photographs are notable for their rich colors and storytelling….her dramatic and well constructed photographic compositions read like works from the art historical canon. Behar’s images examine the meanings of family through her role as a mother.”
Please click on image to see the full article.
Stitches in Time
Looking forward to exhibiting 11 of my photographs from the Homespun portfolio at the Rhode Island Center for Photography in Providence.
Curated by the very talented Emily Belz, Stitches in Time will feature five artists, Becky Behar, Coco McCabe, Michelle Peterson, Gail Samuelson, and Erin Sweeney. Emily writes about the artists, “They ask us to look and think carefully about our ties, both literal and figurative, to family or home. Working across a range of media, from photography to book arts to embroidery, these 5 artists all work with themes of binding, joinery, and seams, the very things that hold us together, up until that point when they pull (us) apart.” Huge thanks to RICPA Gallery Director David DeMelim for making this all possible. Exhibition is from February 17 through March 11, 2022 with an opening reception on Thursday the 17th.
(Image linked)
Barcelona Foto Biennale
Unable to go to Barcelona this year but very thankful that FotoNostum Gallery took the time to share all of the photographs on their walls.
6th Biennial of Fine Art & Documentary Photography
Exhibition Dates: December 9, 2021 - February 6, 2022
Cambridge Art Association: BLUE 2021
“For over 20 years, the Cambridge Art Association has hosted a fall exhibit, open to artists from the New England states, centered around a color – RED or BLUE, depending on the year. Both the success of the exhibit series, and the challenge to participating artists, lies in channeling the varied meanings of a color like BLUE. It is the color of trust, loyalty, cleanliness, and understanding. BLUE is more than a color.”
November 9 – December 17, 2021
Presented in two parts at the Kathryn Schultz Gallery & Online
25 Lowell Street, Cambridge MA
Show 1: November 9 – 27, 2021 & Show 2: December 1 – 17, 2021
Still Life - Blue from my Seeing You, Seeing Me portfolio will be shown as part of Show 2.
Juried by Dr. Jessica May, Managing Director of Art and Exhibitions with The Trustees, and Artistic Director of deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum (deCordova)
Opening Reception & Awards Presentation | November 12 (6:00-8:00pm)
Online Artist Talks | Tuesday, November 16 (12:00-1:00pm) + Thursday, December 2 (12:00-1:00pm)
BLUE Pigment Talk, with Alison Cariens, Harvard Art Museums | December 15 (12:00-1:00pm)
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PRC Nights Online: Pandemic Family
Looking forward to presenting my work on Tuesday, November 16, as part of PRC’s Nights Online. Sonia Targontsidis is the featured artist and I will be a guest speaker and presenter. The talk will be from 6;30 to 8:30 pm ET and you can sign up for free by clicking on the image.
(Image linked)
aPhotoEditor reviews MOP Denver 2021
Jonathan Blaustein reviewed my work in March of 2021 with the Colorado Photographic Arts Center, Month of Photography portfolio Reviews. He picked my work along with several others as his top rated reviews. Six months later, he reached out to feature my Homespun portfolio!
(Image linked)
The Collodion Workshop
August, 24, 2021
August was a wonderful month experimenting with new techniques. I took my vintage 5 x 7 field camera to Maine Media Workshops to learn the wet plate collodion process with Brenton Hamilton. The process is inherent with a lot of failures and some successes for a newbie like me. After a week of setting up scenes, preparing aluminum and glass plates, exposing it, developing and varnishing, I have a new appreciation for the final product. The process allowed me to concentrating, not on color, and instead on composition and texture. After viewing my tintype, I can’t help but close my eyes and hold it near my nose to get a bit of the remaining lavender scent from the varnish. It’s a multi-sensory experience!!
What Will You Remember?
July 12, 2021
Elin Spring of wrote a thoughtful review of the PRC’s Exposure 2021 exhibit juried by Kris Graves. (Photo credit: Katie Golobic, Puppet Show, 2020)
Elin describes my images as, “collaborative studies with her children that explore metaphoric narratives of comfort and control interlaced with the tradition of knitting.”
(Image linked - to see full review)
Newton Tab, July 7, 2021, Page 7
Get your copy to find out more about two Newton residents, Tira Kahn and myself, who will be exhibiting their work at the Photographic Resource Center’s annual national juried exhibition. On view from July 9 - August 20 at the Mary Cosgrove Gallery in Worcester, MA.
(Image linked - open to see more photographs online)
Photographic Resource Center
Exposure 2021
Honored to be included in this years exhibit. Juried by Kris Graves, Exposure 2021 celebrates 25 years of the Photographic Resource Center’s annual national juried exhibition. The exhibition will be installed at the Mary Cosgrove Dolphin Gallery at Worcester State University (Ghosh Science & Technology Center, 486 Chandler St, Worcester, MA 01602) and will be on view, in person: July 9 – August 20, 2021 with an online reception July 13, 2021, at 7pm.
The Press Release describes my work as “cryptic stories through cinematic compositions”.
(Image linked)
Honourable Mention
16th Julia Margaret Cameron Awards
My Homespun series received honorable mention for the Fine Art Category at the 16th Julia Margaret Cameron Award for Women Photographers. With this award, I will have the opportunity to display my prints at FotoNostrum Gallery in Barcelona, Spain from December 9, 2021 - January 8, 2022.
(Image Linked)
2020 Griffin Museum of Photography John Chervinsky Emerging Photographer Scholarship
January 14, 2021
Tavon Taylor just became the recipient of the John Chervinsky Scholarship and along with his announcement, seven other photographers are finalist.
I am happy to join this shortlist along with:
Logan Bellew, Maria Contreras - Coll, Dylan Everett,
Alayna N. Pernell, Kendal Pestana, Daniel Seiffert
Thank you to the 2020 Jurors:
Michelle Rogers-Pritzl, Jennifer Georgescu & Rachel Fein-Smolinski
(Image linked)
Open-Air Digital Exhibition Projection
PhotoNOLA ‘20
in partnership with LUNA Fête
December 12, 2020, 5-7 pm
For two hours on what I hope to be a beautiful evening, my entire Seeing You, Seeing Me portfolio images will be projected onto a screen at the Merchant House courtyard. If you’re in the area, please go to 1150 Magazine Street and take some video and pictures! I attended PhotoNOLA last year and wish I could be there in person this year. Can’t wait to see how the intimate images of my daughter appear on the large screen along with those of four other incredible photographers: Riel & Bianca Sturchio, Jenifer Folsom & Lydia Panas!!
Winter Solstice Member’s Exhibition 2020,
Griffin Museum of Photography
December 8, 2020 - January 5, 2021
It’s the annual member’s exhibition show! The reception will be online, the show will be in person and online. A wonderful collection of over 100 images from photographers around the world. La Maja, 2020 from my Homespun portfolio will be exhibited.
(Image linked)
#museumsnaps Challenge Winner,
The Davis Museum, Wellesley College
When my alma mater, Wellesley College, challenged photographers to post pictures of people taking pictures, I knew I had the perfect image - Dedicated, 2019. Delighted to have won the “Going Viral: Photography, Performance and the Everyday” (edited by Carrie Cushman) exhibition catalogue on the Peter J. Cohen Collection gift of snapshots. Wish I could have seen the exhibit in person.
Printing New Images
Seeing You, Seeing Me Portfolio
It’s been a busy summer creating new portraits and still life. I’m getting ready… printing at home for my solo exhibit at The Griffin Museum of Photography in November.